Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moral of the Story

It’s frustrating to be in a place where you just don’t understand the point. There is a reason we aren’t omnicious. Obviously, or we would be God. Sometimes, just sometimes, it would be nice to know the ending. I know that’s my selfishness talking. I just want to understand where God is taking me and why? For what reason do specific things keep happening? How is that making me a more solid woman? The process of getting there can just be so hard. I wrote where I can see it every day a note that says,
“God is Good”. He is. Simple as that. God is good. Although, I get frustrated because I want to know the answers and want to understand, I also know that I have learned and I have grown. Looking back on some of my most trying times, I can see how God has used that. I need to remind myself of that. I want to know the moral of the story now. Eventually, I will. Making it to that point is what makes us stronger it's not in knowing what the ending is.

1 comment:

Cadence of Life said...

Isn't it true that if we had it all figured out, there would be no need for hope and growth? I so want to be on the need to know list too:) I love your blog! Hope you are well.